Coach's Guide
Hey there Coach; glad to have you with us this season. Welcome aboard!
USA Soccer has some amazing free and paid-for online courses. I highly recommend every coach take the free introduction to coaching course on their website. Not only is it a good class, but it also unlocks a lot of helpful tools for you to use as a coach, like practice planners, resource centers, etc…
If you want to go further from there, the grassroots pathway age-specific modules are tremendous, they cover from 4v4 (U6) through 11v11 (U13+), and you would only need to complete the first grassroots course to get a good handle on how to manage your practices, parents, players, and games. They are all extremely high quality.
Free Introduction Course
Grassroots course
The Grassroots course is available online or in person.
Online courses are $25 and you can complete them in two 4-hour sessions. You get an amazing amount of free and valuable stuff after completion of each course. Additionally, we’ll reimburse you if you finish the course and provide your proof of completion.
> List of all upcoming courses
If you need some resources for drills, systematic play, or athlete development, please contact our League Leadership.