Hello SWM Rec, our spring season activity is ramping up and we are looking forward to having all of you. The initial field measurement and outline was a success thanks to Varsity Coach Samuel, the Lakeshore Soccer Boosters, and a few SWM Rec and SWM Kickers volunteers. Great job!
The final step in the field setup will be completed by Coach Samuel and the Lakeshore Soccer Boosters on March 20, 2021. Volunteer help is needed for lining every week so please sign up to complete your volunteer obligation if you haven’t. A healthy, vibrant, and effective volunteer workforce is required for our viability as a league.
Our partnership with SWM has reduced our volunteer requirements for overall field lining, therefore our share of the load is focused on the U6-U10 fields, March 20th through June 6th.
Please check the sign up sheet for dates and times. The SWM Director of Field & Facilities, Jason Neidlinger, will lead most field linings. You will meet him at the Lakeshore Youth Soccer Complex shed.
Jason will guide you in how to line the fields and answer any questions you have. For those not familiar with the Lakeshore Youth Soccer Complex, you will meet Jason at the blue shed (I think it’s blue) located near the parking lot off of Rocky Weed, East of the soccer fields.
If you are not able to do field lining, we have 3 other volunteer opportunities: Picture Day, Gameday Photography, and Our Player Clinic. The information for each volunteer opportunity is located on the sign-up sheet.
Picture Day, Player Clinic, and Gameday Photographer Sign-Up Sheet
We kindly ask that all volunteers have their selections made no later than Friday, March 19. Starting Saturday, March 20, we will fill the spots that are empty with volunteers that did not sign up.
It is your responsibility to show and help during the time you are scheduled. Please don’t let SWM Rec down by not showing up. Attendance is required and attendance will be taken.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. We are very thankful to all of you. Youth sport organizations depend on volunteers to run successfully. Without volunteers youth sport leagues would cease to exist.
PS: Please check our website to stay abreast of current events by clicking HERE. Please reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator Kristi Rumsey at kristirumsey@gmail.com with any volunteer specific questions you may have.