Ladies and Gentlemen kick off is less than 24 hours away! All of our planning, preparation, practice, effort, communication, leads up to this. Tomorrow is why we do, what we do. Like my Director of Coach Development says, these games are for YOU. Remember to keep our events fun, lest we fall to the bowels of dread with over competitiveness, chair throwing, kicking the dirt, screaming, etc. Yes, I am sure some of you who know me, are thinking that that SWM Rec guy named Jefferson is one of the most overly competitive ones out there ‘who is he kidding?’. This is true; however, I’ve learned to channel that drive to a level that is slightly below the level of ridiculousness.
Remember, that we ALL are on the same team out there. Please have fun and let me know how it goes. My hope is that tomorrow is ever bit as victorious for our league as it was for our Lancer Football team last night against Portage Central. Seeing those golden rainbows thrown by Korfmacher Jr. almost brought a tear to my eye, oh so similar to how the ball flies through the air at the Palace on the Prairie. Congrats to Lakeshore and Coach Danny Thompson on a stupendous first game. Can’t wait for the next!
See below for a list of housekeeping items you may have an interest in:
- Lakeshore Eats Training (Concession Stand) – To be on Friday, August 27th, 6pm to 7pm, at the LYSC – Concession Stand.
- Rosters – Coaches, please reference your GotSport account for your current roster and roster contact information by clicking HERE. This is your source of truth, NOT, excel sheets previously distributed.
- Parking Information – Click HERE.
- All Coaches – Complete your Trainings by clicking HERE.
- Assistant Coaches – Register HERE.
- Weather Policy – Click HERE.
- Home and Away Colors – Click HERE.
- Gameday Schedule – Click HERE.
- Gameday Format – Click HERE.
- Practice Field Reservations – Click HERE.
- Skipping this number for obvious reasons.
- Live Office Hours – Visit our homepage at
- Uniforms Updates – Click HERE.
- Volunteers Duty – Please remember to check our volunteer task list for the dates you are responsible to attend. Please click HERE for the schedule.
- Picture Dates – Click HERE.
I love you.
Fall Season Highlight: Mr. Charisma ‘Ryan Brubaker’ volunteered his time, without prompt or request and took the initiative to line fields this week. In the blazing heat I might add. It was not his volunteer task, item to address, not his Coaching responsibility, or any of that. He just did it! Words cannot express the appreciation we have for his contribution. Please tell him thank you when you see him. #selfless#humble#inspiring